Loving Hemp CBD Sisters

Your Trusted CBD Experts - Live A Healthier Life With Lab Tested CBD Products - Broad Spectrum No THC

Why Choose Loving Hemp?

Loving Hemp CBD Sisters are dedicated to helping to improve the quality of life for others. If you have questions or concerns, please call us 909-582-9628. 

Loving Hemp CBD Sisters provide the absolute best quality lab tested full spectrum CBD products available. While there are plenty of products on the market that use inferior imported CBD oils, we only use the highest grade of domestically grown hemp plants. We have partnered up with Honey B Healthy Living to provide you with quality products. Our quality control process starts even before the plants go into the ground. We’ve spent over a year searching for the best farmers in Colorado that are familiar with Cannabis and hemp genotypes and resulting phenotypes. After identifying which combination of strains would provide the highest level of CBD potency, our plants were crossbred to give us the CBD that is currently used in all of our products. All our CBD products do not contain a traceable amount of THC, and are full spectrum and lab tested to ensure potency and purity. 

So, I tried the oral drops from Loving Hemp and let me tell you they work wonders! Usually I wake up tired, groggy, and by the middle of the day I’m exhausted with a headache but the first day I used it, I noticed a huge difference! I felt more alert and awake during class, I never felt tired during the day and I haven’t had a headache since taking it! 12/10 would recommend to everyone!

Claire F

About Us

Rachel & Becca,

Founders Of Loving Hemp

Who is Loving Hemp? Loving Hemp was founded by two sisters who are dedicated to bringing awareness to the numerous benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), hoping to help improve the quality of lives for others. Loving Hemp decided to partner with Honey B Healthy Living to help educate the public about what cannabidiol (CBD) really is. Feel free to call us with any questions: 909-582-9628.


We are curbside pick up in Upland, CA.

Please call us with any questions:  909-582-9628. 

You can call anytime